Sunday, 17 February 2013

Inkredible: Tattooist inks his name on his girlfriend's face the FIRST time they meet

Inkredible: Tattooist inks his name on his girlfriend's face the FIRST time they meet


Amazingly the woman says she is happy to have his name in five-inch high letters on her face and now they plan to get married
Tatt ooh: The full face tattoo
Tatt ooh: The full face tattoo
Some men buy their women jewellery to show them how much they love them.
But Rouslan Toumaniantz tattooed his name in five-inch high letters across his girlfriend’s FACE – less than 24 hours after they met.
Amazingly the woman, known only as Lesya, says she is happy to have “Ruslan” in giant Gothic script on her mug.
The art college graduate said: “It’s a symbol of our eternal devotion.
“I’d like him to tattoo every inch of my body.”
Lesya Toumaniantz allowed tattooist Ruslan Toumaniantz to sign 'Ruslan' over her face in giant Gothic script on the day they met
Couple: Lesya and Rouslan
Lesya Toumaniantz before allowed tattooist Ruslan Toumaniantz to sign 'Ruslan' over her face in giant Gothic script on the day they met
Pretty: Lesya before her radical inking
She met the tattoo artist online and he inked her the DAY they met.
The pair say they now plan to get married in Moscow.
‘Romantic’ Rouslan, who also uses the name Ruslan, said: “I don’t think I have done anything wrong today.
"I’m in love. We are in love.”
The couple posted painful-looking pictures of the process on the internet.
Tattooist Rouslan Toumaniantz (R)
At work: Rouslan tattoos another face
Miss Vlaeminck at the age of 18 in 2009, shortly after she asked tattooist Rouslan Toumaniantz to cover her face in black stars
Unhappy: Kimberley Vlaeminck claims she only wanted three stars
Kimberley ­Vlaeminck claimed to reporters and her family that she had only asked for three stars and he inked the rest while she was ASLEEP at his Tattoo box studio in Coutrai, Belgium.
She threatened to sue Toumaniantz for £10,000 to cover the cost of removing the permanent inkings.
However, a week later she confessed on TV that she had asked for all the stars but had lied about it as she was afraid of how her father would react.
He is still unrepentant of his earlier work and posted on his Facebook site: “I have done 25 face tattoos since Kimberley’s case, and don’t feel I did anything wrong during the Kimberley affair.”
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